On the 29th of August I was asked to play at 2-tone central for a FUNdraiser, have to admit to being a little bit nervous because although having played here before this time it was very 2tone and Ska based. I was not sure how my sound was going to fit in.
As those of you who have heard me perform, my sound is more folk/pop/country. I was really pleased at how well my set went down especially one of my newer covers ‘Jolene’ which I only learnt last week but is rapidly becoming one of my favourite numbers to perform.
If you have never been to 2tone central and want to get an idea of what Coventry’s music scene was like back in the day it is well worth a visit and also if you get the chance go and see some of the live music. It is a lovely cosy intimate venue where you are assured of a warm welcome and good music